Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reward the successful and the hardworking

Give $1 to a successful and creative entrepreneur and he/she would create $5 worth of working capital to expand the business which generates jobs. Give $1 to Government and it turns it to zero.

Instead of rewarding the successful and the hardworking we are constantly punishing them by taking away their hard earned wealth not knowing that it will only hurt us by reducing economic growth.

We reward the losers and the lazy, instead, by letting them decide how much of the hard earned money  the successful and the hardworking can keep with themselves.

Should we not reward the entrepreneurs by giving them money instead of taking from them?  Should we not punish the lazy losers instead? Is it not in our economic interest to leave as much money as possible in the hands of job creators?

It is not fair to punish the successful when who really needs to be punished are the 47% of the lazy and the losers.

The entrepreneurs should be rewarded with an income tax rate of negative 10%. The more profit an entrepreneur makes the bigger the reward check they get from IRS.

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