Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is it dough or bread?

Put the dough into the oven, give it some time and it turns into bread. Exactly at what point does it become bread? What do you think of a person who insists that it is bread the moment it is put in the oven.

What if after putting in the oven the power went off and when you came in the morning the bread was still dough. A good baker might want to throw the whole batch in garbage. A lot of bread got wasted one might say. But is it really bread that was wasted or the ingredients? After all flour, water, sugar, salt, oil cannot be called bread." Who cares?" says the baker.  But to a person who is fanatically inclined not to waste anything it is a serious question. It had the potential of becoming bread so it is bread that got wasted. Could we have done something to save the bread? What happens if we turn on the oven now? You will get bread, right? "No" says the baker," I would not call it bread." It might be something that looks like bread but it is not what I bake every day that people love. "But it would still be bread though" insists the wastage  obsessed person. To which the baker says "No, it is not". And the argument continues.

When it comes to opinion based questions, the person who differs with you is always wrong. And rightly so.

................Based on John Stewart's really humorous monologue at the time of appointment of a new chef to the White House during the days of President Bush.


  1. .... I was waiting for the analogy about abortion to begin ... but I guess that would be too literal. Nice post.

  2. Hahaha, I was thinking the same about the relation to abortion. I've heard you talk about this so I know where you're heading with this, but is it obvious to other readers? (what other readers...lol)

  3. Yes it is obvious to 'the other reader'. I was going to say thats what is said even in relation to 'god talk'. And thats why mausaji's favorite topic 'god' is 'opinion based'

  4. God is opinion based? I think I understand what you mean by that, but would like to hear an expanded version of that.
