Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lie boldy

And learn this from the Republicans. Michelle Bachman was being questioned by Fox news as to why she had said that the US is becoming a socialist country and the net worth of companies owned by the US Government stands at 51% of the total market value of all the US companies. This was a bold lie as it always is with Fox and the Republicans party but in this case Fox was being beaten by Michelle Bachman. How can anyone be bolder than FOX news in telling lies so they challenged her.  FOX news said that we have calculated it and it comes to only 1.5%. I thought she was going to embarrass herself but she came up with the name of some report by some person who had claimed this percentage. So if you want to tell a bold lie simply ask some non-entity to write it somewhere on the Internet and now you can keep telling the lie boldly. If you get caught just quote the source. In the same interview on FOX she was claiming that 30,000 people have died in US killed by NATO operation. When confronted with this preposterous claim she said her source was the Libyan Government's report in a Libyan news paper! Why on earth would she believe the Libyan government you have to ask.

The job of the opposition is to replace the current ruling party  "ruining the country" with itself and if lies are necessary to change the people's opinion, so be it.  It is all for a good cause!

1 comment:

  1. My Stat teacher in high school had mentioned this that Statistics can be made to prove anything : even the truth :)
    But the truth is that stats are truly of 2 types ; the ones that you choose to look up and the ones that you choose to make up :)
